Last year a good friend took me to Nuna Ayni in Peru, for a healing ceremony and to be blessed by the healing. I was stage 4, liver cancer and had already went through a chemo treatment. Nuna Ayni filled my heart with love and gave my mind a positive outlook.They showed me how to eat better and herb tea to drink that would help my liver.
They filled me with love. I had a MRI after I got back to the State and my Cancer was not growing, I give thanks every day and now it has been one year later and still no signs of it growing. I feel blessed everyday and the LOVE for Nuna Ayni has made my heart smile and my mind so very thankful! I am so Excited to be able to rejoin with them again for a healing ceremony and to feel the love & energy that they share. Sending lots of love to Nuna Ayni forever!!